Operation Risk Insights (ORI)

Year 2020
Role Lead UX Designer
Plus Points
  • Dramatic NPS improvement from 30 in 2019 to World Class 71 in 2020.
  • Progressive development.
  • Matched old UI to new UI.
Main Points ORI is an automated, comprehensive, and Watson-powered Alert Service that assesses supply chain, operations and disaster relief risk events to identify those posing the greatest threat of impact. Thousands of data sources are monitored hourly to synthesize millions of records in real-time and analyze risk-event impact to 25,000+ points of interest globally including hospitals, airports, aging dams, watersheds, glacial lakes and other disaster relief centers and data center sites worldwide.
Project Goal

Operations Risk Insights (ORI) is a system that takes in data and alerts from dozens of global sources and applies machine learning to flag severe events. It provides real-time alert severity knowledge for IT and business resiliency.

An automated, comprehensive, and Watson-powered Alert Service that assesses supply chain, operations and disaster relief risk events to identify those posing the greatest threat of impact.

Project Process
Strategy Redesign
Research Value proposition
Big Ideas
Empathy Map
Analysis Persona
User Story Map
Journey Map
Design Wireframing
High-fidelity designs
Prototyping and Specs
Release Development
Key Users
  • Business continuity personals
  • NGO teams
  • Geo leaders
  • Travelers
  • Supply chain companies
Pain Points
  • Old UI is not appealing
  • Bad user experience
  • Unable to select multiple layers or risks at the same time
  • Notifications, and share unavailable
  • Too much data in a single view
  • Covid – 19, news, and alerts data unavailable
  • *Consolidated main pain points

Few Links

PS. Some links might need extra permisions to access.

ORI Gallery